Your entitlement to compensation will be calculated on a gross basis up to a maximum protection limit of HK$800,000. Both the principal and interest of the deposits will be included in the calculation of compensation.
Special treatments will be applied to deposits held by multiple depositors or held by an intermediary for the benefit of other persons. For a deposit held in a joint account, each account holder will be entitled to an equal share of the deposit unless there is evidence showing otherwise. For deposits held under a bare trust, or held in a client account, the underlying beneficiaries or clients are entitled to compensation. Each person's share of deposits in these accounts will be added to any other deposits held by him or her at the same bank when determining his or her entitlement to compensation.
Please refer to
Examples 1-3: how compensations are calculated for more details.
Please also refer to examples under
“Enhanced deposit protection in the event of a merger or acquisition involving Scheme members”.